Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Your Life Energy

People sleep to renew their life energy. The more relaxed their rest and sleep, the more easily their energy is increased. What other factors are involved with your energy level? Nutrition, emotions, posture, water quality, breathing, exercise, music, aromas, your thoughts and your deeds or simply seeing a movie can all have a bearing on your energy level. One of the most important factors related to your energy level though is your sense of purpose. One reason why many elderly folks lose their vitality for living is because of retirement! Work provides people with a sense of purpose, and when their work is removed, their energy level can drop dramatically. So find some purpose for your life - charity work, a new vocation or avocation, a goal, a hobby or a pursuit you always wanted to take up, or better yet, tune into your spiritual reason for being here. When your life has purpose, you will not only feel better about yourself, but your energy level will rise as well.

 Understand that all factors are interrelated too, so if you improve one, the others must also improve. For instance, if you are nutrition oriented, beginning a diet of raw organic vegetables will increase your chi energy level, and in turn youĂ•ll also begin noticing improvement in your breathing, your posture, your emotions and the music you prefer. If you are exercise oriented, beginning a daily routine of good exercise and deep belly breathing will increase your energy level too, and in turn your nutrition, your emotions and your posture will tend to improve as well! Exercise also works well with children having a low self-esteem. Statistics have shown that creating basketball courts or gymnasiums in poverty stricken neighborhoods lowers crime and drug addiction in those neighborhoods.

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